'Too much' behaviors
5 PATH Hypnosis is excellent at dealing with too many behaviors. Too much behavior is anything you end up doing to excess. It can be eating too much, smoking too much, watching TV too much, drinking too much. We use these behaviors as a distraction. Finding out what the cause of the desire to distract is paramount to changing the underlying behavior.
This usually takes around 3-5 sessions.
F alse E xpectations A ppearing R eal
Phobias that you feel are irrational are often from some misperception from an earlier time. Often we don't remember when it really started. Sure we may have an idea when we think it started, but often the source is far before what stands out in memory. There are many ways to approach this topic. 5 PATH, conversational hypnosis, regular hypnosis. Sometimes we just need to stretch our minds to how we perceive these fears to let the framework shatter and regain control over our lives.
Below is a mindfulness method to help:
Say out loud "Even though I have this fear (name it), I deeply love and Accept Myself."
Notice any new thoughts that relate. If another fear shows up as a root source. Repeat the phrase.
Realize that this fear, just like any other idea of self, a.k.a Mental Program, is based upon a belief.
We pick up these fears most often in early childhood. Most often from well-meaning adults in our lives. For this exercise, it doesn't matter where. There is no blame to push or guilt to feel. That's why we accept what is. We own it as ours. Now we can do with our things as we want.
Identify the belief. Now, what is that belief? All beliefs come from one of two sources. Love and Fear. There is the polarity. If you are afraid of death, what do you believe about your eternal nature? If you are afraid of pain, what do you believe the purpose of pain is (To teach? To torment?)? If you are afraid of what other people think, what do you believe is the worst thing that could happen? What are the polarities of this fear? i.e . worst and best case.
Realize that there is just the ONE idea. For example. Cold and Hot. There is no cold, just the absence of heat. Light and Dark. There is no Dark, just the absence of light. If you can't find the polarities to an idea, check and see if the idea itself is a polarity. When someone tells me they want to get rid of Anxiety for example. I ask them "What is Anxious, how do you experience it? What is the opposite of being anxious for you? How do you know you're that?"
Realize the belief is a choice. FEEL the reality that this belief is not fixed. You picked it up at some point so you CAN set it down. It's yours now. Focus on what you want. How you want/are from this moment on. Your past doesn't define your future. The past is history it is this story. The future is a mystery (MY STORY)our present is a gift. Choose your own path. Breathe.
Ask yourself if you would like to continue to choose that belief or focus and direct your own path. Since it is ultimately your choice, would you like to keep choosing it? Be honest!
If not, ask if there is a more optimal belief to hold, like the opposite polarity. If you are going to create your belief system, perhaps it makes sense to fill it up with something more beneficial.
If so, select that belief. Resolve, in the moment, to hold the new belief. Experience in imagination exactly what that is. Just FORGET about the old one. Literally, forget about it, and focus your attention on the new one. It's like you have a dimmer switch in your mind. The more you focus on what you want, what you don't just wither away into history.
Finally, reinforce that belief in every way possible. Mantras, visualizations, agenda items, reminders, journaling, being vulnerable with others, admitting that you are making a change. The ICON method that I posted in the past is extremely useful (if you can't find it, let me know). I may make a video!).
Ultimately, make your decisions now with the reminder that you are in the life of someone who now believes this new, more preferable thing.
I hope this helps you.
As always, you can contact me for one-on-one sessions. If you would like more clarification on what is above, also contact me, and I will help you understand what was said.
This is just one of the mindfulness ways to live our lives.
Happy Exploring!
For more on hypnosis, read about the benefits of hypnosis.
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