I began my Reiki journey as a new massage therapist back in 2001 when I found out I was an Empath. As a physical empath, I found myself taking on body pains from my clients. It was as if their pain would be transferred into my body, leaving them feeling great, but me having to stop working for the day.
I went to the dean of my school and told her this weird story of how I was having these psychosomatic episodes where I was taking on the pains of my clients. She promptly told me I was an empath and I needed to find a Reiki class and begin learning energy work.
In my Reiki training we learned the basics of how to center your body as in a mindfulness exercise, then how to ground out excess energies, and how to create our sacred space or create a shield. I was shocked to find out that the same grandmother that had taught me hypnosis had also taught me these same basic skills as a kid.
I had just forgotten until now.
We learned sacred Reiki symbols that are very much like an icon on your computer or your phone. When you draw these symbols and intone their name it would give access to a Universal Life Force Energy (Chi or Ki) we had to learn when and how to use these elemental energies with intent.
In later classes, I found that there are quite a few Reiki symbols that have some very specific intended outcomes. We could use these energies to not only clear a human body but also clear a space, like a home, cut energetic cords that bind us, and even to help a departed loved one cross over if they have become stuck.
Through meditation, we were introduced to our specific spirit guides that would help teach us and assist us in this energetic, spiritual work. Along the way, I’ve also learned to work with several Angels that have made the work much easier, and learning happens every time I use it.
Since energy work could be classified as the laying on of hands, I also became an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church, a non-denominational organization. It gave me the legal ability to use the laying on of hands and all sorts of religious rites, including performing marriage ceremonies, to help people further.
It was a unique experience because we also had to go through an attunement with each of the 3 levels of training where the symbols are imprinted into your energy body, or Aura. An attunement entrains your vibration to the healing currents of the Universe.
In 2005, I received my Master Level Reiki Attunement.
The word Reiki was described to me as “universal energy”. The glue of the universe, the animating energy of everything we know.
The KI in REI-KI is referring to the energetic component.
Different cultures have names for this and often it is also related to the word for breath. With no breath there is no life.
In Japan the word for energy is KI, in the East CHI is used, in the Pacific Islands it's known as MANA, in Hindu it's known as PRANA, in Latin it's NUMEN, in Hebrew it's RAUCH, it’s also known as the ODIC force, and more recently as ORGONE by Dr. Wilhelm Reich.
This is the same as the zero-point energy found in Quantum Physics.
My personal style of Reiki is as eclectic as all of these cultural names for this amazing, life giving, healing energy. If you’ve read things by me before you may remember “don’t let semantics get in the way of your healing”.
Along with my Reiki training, I have also incorporated Quantum-Touch® in 2002.
It uses the same energy source but had a more scientific explanation that the other part of my brain craves. Quantum-Touch® described it as everything in this universe is vibration. If we go down small enough, we will find that everything is made of atoms, and that each atom of each element has a different atomic number or vibration.
Quantum-Touch® is based on the idea that all Dis-ease is the body dysfunction at a low vibration. A healthy body is vibrating at a higher vibration.
This brings us to the Quantum Physics Law of Entrainment. This says that when one system that is vibrating low, is put into proximity of one that is high, the two vibrations will change until an equilibrium is reached.
So, if you have a warm room (high vibration/temp) and your place a lot of big chunks of ice in the room (low vibration/temp) the room will drop in vibration (high goes to low) and the ice will heat up and melt (low to high) until the room and water will be roughly the same temp or Vibration.
So, now we have the two fundamental ideas, one that everything vibrates, and two that of entrainment.
How does Quantum-Touch® work?
Using Quantum-Touch®, I raise my vibration (energy) so that I can place my hands on your painful body areas, which are vibrating at a lower frequency.
Your body pulls my vibration down as mine pulls yours up to a more harmonious state. I then continue to raise my energy back up higher and higher until your body feels much better and is able to re-entrain to a healthy state.
In class we called this turbo charged Reiki. But it worked well for me because now I had a spiritual way and a scientific way to describe what energy work was and roughly how it was supposed to help. I can appreciate that this all could seem very strange but it gets even stranger.
Because of the Quantum Physics Law of Entanglement, this work can even be done at a distance.
A quick Google search on quantum computing will show many very recent discoveries about Quantum Entanglement. It’s the understanding that everything is connected.
“Quantum Entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated."
This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems.”- www.sciencedaily.com
Reiki has been associated with this phenomenon for hundreds of years. So has the power of Prayer.
We use these invisible frequencies to tap into the healing power much the same way that you can tune into a radio and hear a broadcast.
I “tune into” the healing energies and pass them along to you.
That leads into the Reconnection Healing method.
This one is much harder to explain in any brevity. Reconnection Healing actually has documented data that it works backwards in time, as much as it does in the present, and into the future.
Now that may seem crazy unless you are up to speed on your Physics.
Time is a very strange concept. In fact, in normal physics almost everything we can observe with our eyes makes sense, except time.
From the strictly theoretical standpoint what happens forward should also happen backwards, but that’s not what we observe. It seems impossible to have an effect backwards in time. But that’s where quantum physics comes in and shows us how, in fact, time is not what we expect.
If you have seen the movie Interstellar, it does a great job explaining in an entertaining way how time is relative and not a fixed aspect. The more mass something has the slower time moves in and around it.
Both gravity and time become warped. Check interstellar out for this.
Now, in the double slit experiment, we find out how our physical reality isn’t really physical, until consciousness plays its part. That everything really is a wave or energy.
Take a look at this short 5 minute video:
Next we learn about the Quantum Eraser. This explains how we can work on things that happen in the past from the present.
So, from the time that you book an appointment, and show up to your appointment, the healing has actually already begun.
But... only if you actually show up to the appointment, which becomes very mind bending. Welcome to my world. haha!
This is why I use the reconnective teachings in my method as well.
This video is about 15 minutes:
A placebo is something most of us already know but no one know how it works. I would like to suggest that it works on belief.
If you can convince yourself of something - it may become true.
This begins to lead us into the realm of the subconscious.
Surprise surprise, I’m a hypnotist!
I also help you during the Reiki session by helping you get into an altered state of consciousness called Trance. This is where you gain more power over your body with the use of directed attention and sensation imagination.
You and I begin to work with your natural energetic states, and with this experience, you will become more familiar with your own body. By doing this you are enabling better care of yourself. Kind of like helping someone to learn to ride a bike.
A Reiki session is like a deep cleansing for your energetic system.
Getting the chakras unstuck and energy flowing. Getting the aura smoothed out and patched up if it has any holes. Getting attachments loose and teaching you to use good energetic hygiene so they don’t get reattached when you leave my office.
To make a Reiki appointment, go here for my booking site.
Your mind and body will thank you!
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