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Just driving to work today and had a thought as I often do with my quiet time. I was just thinking about the issues of words and their meanings.
I have a saying that I like to say is “don't let the semantics get in the way of your healing.”
Semantics just mean the associations with words and what’s behind them. What those words mean to you and your mind when you hear them. Because a lot of our words that we use, they have so many different meanings. It’s one of the reasons that Latin is used so much is because it's a dead language.
A Latin word means what that Latin word means and it will not change because it’s a dead language. There’s not a culture that uses it for their day-to-day speech anymore so the words are all the same.
So you can talk to someone from Thailand and someone from Japan and someone from African and South American and The United States and say a Latin plant name, every single one of those people is going to know exactly what you mean because that’s what the plant is called.
Now if we use the common name for the plant what I might know as Goose-Foot from a South American country maybe something completely different then what Goose-Foot is here.
The same thing happens when we start talking and getting into the realms of the Mind and the Mind-Body Connection and healing. There are so many beliefs in the world and those beliefs start to get in the way of our body’s ability to heal just from the restrictions on belief.
The idea being that someone has a really good idea that they're trying to convey to you but maybe their belief system is radically different and has limitations on what is acceptable or what is real versus your radical beliefs on what is real and acceptable.
So, in a lot of these words they're trying to describe a psychological and semantic principle and we are using different words.
And so immediately if I use a certain word that is not in your belief system you immediately reject the principle. The problem being that principle, in order to be described to everybody, has got a lot of different words associated with it.
If we're going through and I use a word that just immediately makes you balk “well that doesn't exist; energy doesn't exist”. Well, what level are we talking about energy? Most of the cultures around the world use their word for energy, whether it's Chi or Qi, Mana, Prana, doesn't matter. All those words in the language, in addition to the life force energy, it's breath.
Now, I come from quantum physics. I love quantum physics. Obviously, it’s the name of my business, because it is a beautiful gap between science and what a lot of people would call woowoo or metaphysical.
And even myself for a long time I've had issues with the woowoo side of things just because it seems so far out of everyday stuff. Talking about Chi, talking about auras, talking about, you know, energy in the body because it's typically not accepted as scientific fact.
The more you start diving into something like quantum physics you start to see the crossover points between science and energy - how things can be in two locations at once.
How once two things come in contact with each other they’re permanently linked.
That’s Quantum Entanglement. We have computers right now that exist on this Earth today that can operate with quantum entanglement.
That’s whole other subject, but what I'm trying to convey is when we are talking about healing and we are talking about the Mind-Body Connection, even if you hear a word that makes you balk, if you let me know because I probably got eight other words that can describe that process better for your frame of how things work in this world.
There are a lot of times you don't see the interchangeable-ness of it. But through all the studying that I've done and through the different ways that I’ve looked and apply things, I can talk to you on a scientific level you want to do that; I can talk to you on a spiritual level; I can talk to you a lot on the psychological level; and a lot of these levels I find with people we can kind of intermingle them a bit.
We're not just a black and white species. There’s a lot of grey, there's a lot of fluctuation, and I just know that talking with some people the belief system is so rigidly blocked black and white that they can't operate or they just they just stop listening at a certain point. The mind and the body are so interconnected.
The emotions that we have, especially emotions we stuffed down inside of us and that we don’t want to look at, they end up showing up in our body, especially anger and rage.
A lot of people are like “I’m not an angry person”. Well there is stuff that’s happened to you that’s made you angry and you haven't felt comfortable expressing it so yeah you stuffed it down somewhere. A lot of times this stuff comes out in our lower back
I'd be happy to talk a lot about the books that I've been reading and have read and I do plan on even starting a page of books that I've read and maybe a little synopsis of it so if it's interesting to you can look it up. I think that's the main thing, don’t let semantics get in the way of your healing because even when I'm describing something to you maybe I've gotten off of your belief path of how you understand how the world operates.
If so, just let me know. Say, “I don't know what that word means”. A real good thing is to ask me, “this word, why did you use it”? I'll be so happy to clarify it and to dive more down into the principle of what I'm talking about.
Then you can call it whatever you want to call it. I'm all for making up names and that's fine. It’s the principle that I'm trying to to help you understand and why this thing works.
Then on the complete flip side of that is the placebo effect. You don’t have to know what I am saying.
If you can get an understanding of the principle or if you’re the type of person who can just be allowing and allow that this thing will work, I have no problem putting credit on the placebo effect. That's fine.
Someone gives me a sugar pill and my cancer gets cured, I'm not going to be upset.
Anyway, I guess I’ll leave with that. I have arrived at work so thanks for listening and I will talk some more later.
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